Are the bags ready? Passport in hand? Now is the time to think about the skin care you will have while traveling. Check out the tips we have for you!
- Is there a difference in care for each skin type before traveling? The big difference is not in the care, but in the influence of temperature on our skin, whether mixed, oily or dry, because it is the first to suffer from climate changes, whether hot or cold. For example, if your skin is already dry in the tropical climate, in colder weather the tendency is to get worse. Oily skin in the cold gets drier, while in hot destinations it tends to get oily.
- What is the essential care? Before traveling, for those who are taking treatments with acids or chemical whiteners, peels, exfoliations and lasers, these treatments should be discontinued, up to one month before the trip, to avoid the appearance of blemishes. It is also interesting to prepare the skin before the trip by performing a skin cleansing, so the skin travels protected and hydrated.
- What are the precautions for cold weather? It is important to know that cold weather is relentless on the skin and may leave it sunburned and dry. To prevent this from happening, you should drink at least two liters of water a day, avoid long, hot showers so as not to alter the body’s natural moisturizer that protects the skin, use moisturizer right after leaving the bathroom, use lip balm for Avoid cracking and make use of sunscreen daily, again stressing that cold weather can burn and bring blemishes to the skin.
- And for the hot weather? During hot weather, your skin will be more exposed to the sun and at risk of sunburn, skin cancer, aging and other problems. Therefore, before facing the sun the use of sunscreen is essential. To get the most out of your trip, you need to take other steps, such as protecting yourself with light clothing, sunglasses and a hat, wearing lip balm, and avoiding sun exposure between 10 and 16 hours.
- A long plane trip also requires special care. Which ones are they? It is very important to take care of the skin inside the plane, because the environment is very different from the one, we usually live in. As the air is dry, the skin tends to dry out and lose water. Depending on the flight time, you can feel that the skin is also stiff and more wrinkled. So, it’s important to get on with a very clean and makeup-free face. For the skin of the face not to dehydrate during the trip, it should be hydrated with sprinkles of thermal water. Then you can apply a moisturizer containing substances such as grape seed, urea, ammonium lactate and vitamin C. It is also worth protecting the lips with a lip moisturizer, giving preference to products with vitamin E, lanolin, panthenol and vegetable waxes.
- What are the most common problems that arise during travel? Overexposure to both weather and hot and cold destinations (yes, the reflection of the sun on the snow burns!) Can cause serious damage to the dermis, such as redness, burns, blisters and peeling.
- What can not be missed in the travel bag? It is recommended to always have a sunscreen, moisturizer for the skin and lips and if possible, a bottle of water for oral consumption.
SERVICE Viviane Martins (Dermatologist – CRM-CE: 10375 | RQE: 5374) Haim Erel Clinic 2349 Rua Vicente Leite, Aldeota (85) 4008.0555 / (85) 9.9795.5848 Instagram: @dravivianema